Apply for a Ph.D.


There is one Application for Admission to the Graduate School of Princeton University. There are several routes that students interested in applying for graduate studies in population may follow:

  • For those students who have a strong quantitative background and wish to earn the Ph.D. in Demography, application should be made directly to Population Studies (POP).
  • For those students with a strong social science background such as economic, politics, or sociology who wish to earn a degree in one of these fields, application should be made directly to that home department (ECO, POL, SOC). To indicate your interest in population studies, you would mark the appropriate code in the section Areas of Interest; your choices would be demography (DEM), economics and demography (EDM), or sociology and demography (SDM).
  • Students interested in the joint degree in “Demography and Social Policy” should apply as a prospective Joint Degree Program (JDP) student and should select “demography” and “social policy” under the “areas of interests” portion of the application.

Application can be made to only one department, but more than one area of interest may be indicated. An application that indicates population studies as either the primary field or an area of interest will be considered by the OPR admission committee.

It should also be noted that if, during the application process, the committee members determine that a student is better suited to another program or department affiliated with population, we will contact that student to seek permission to reroute the application.

How do I apply for funding?

All applicants to the Graduate School at Princeton University will be considered for funding. There is no need to inquire about individual fellowships or assistantships. Admission notifications for accepted applicants include offers of funding.

All graduate students at the Office of Population Research receive funding, which covers tuition and living expenses. Most doctoral students are able to complete their degree within five years from entry into the program.

Students who desire to work as teaching or research assistants are encouraged to do so. All students are required to teach as part of their departmental obligations.

Visiting OPR

Applicants are encouraged to visit the OPR Training website to find out more about the program, the people, the resources, and to contact the program administrator. Students are welcome to visit after notification of admission in late winter/early spring, before final decisions of acceptance must be made.

OPR provides financial assistance for the visits of admitted applicants and will arrange for prospective students to meet with faculty and students in the applicant’s fields of interest. Travel information, maps, directions to the campus and other useful information may be found at the University website.