Grant Proposal Submission Timelines

New OPR Policies on Timeline for Grant Proposal Submissions

To better manage the flow of grant proposal submissions, and to ensure they are submitted on time and as accurately and completely as possible, we are instituting a new policy for grant proposal submissions…

  • At least 3 weeks before grant submission date: Fill out proposal intake form at this link:
    • If collaborative project: at least 6 weeks before grant submission date.
    • If international project: at least 2 months before grant submission date.
  • At least 8 days before grant submission date:
    • Submit finalized administrative documents for all proposal pieces, except for the final narrative. Draft mode of the narrative/text is fine as a placeholder.
    • This enables us to meet ORPA’s deadline.
  • At least 5 days before grant submission date:
    • Submit finalized technical document of the proposal narrative.
    • This enables us to meet ORPA’s deadline.

Exceptions to this policy should be rare and well justified.