Alícia Adserà

Senior Research Scholar, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs
Director of Graduate Studies
Office Phone
241 Wallace Hall

Alicia Adsera is the Director of Graduate Studies at OPR and a Senior Research Scholar and Lecturer in Economics at the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs. Some of her recent work focuses on how differences in local labor market institutions and economic conditions are related to fertility and household formation decisions in the OECD (and Latin America). In addition she is interested in an array of migration topics (i.e. immigrant fertility; the relevance of language, political conditions and welfare provisions among the determinants of migration flows; the wellbeing of child migrants; differential labor market performance of migrants across European countries). Before coming to Princeton, she was a tenured Associate Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago and a Research Affiliate at the Population Research Center of the University of Chicago. She has previously taught at Ohio State University and Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. She has received fellowships from the University of Chicago-NICHD and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, among others. Her work has been published in the American Economic Review P&PJournal of Population EconomicsPopulation StudiesJournal of Law Economics and Organization, and International Organization among others. Ph.D. Boston University.


Ph.D. Economics, Boston University, 1996